Friday, July 20, 2012

Craft Wars: Two New Ways To Display Your Photos Without Boring Frames

Grab your gel medium and a clothes hanger and get to work.

You Instagram fiends have probably forgotten how nice it is to have paper photos you can touch and do physical things with. So if you haven't done it in a while, print out a few snapshots and consider incorporate them into your decorating scheme. What's even more fun than putting them in frames or albums is doing something special (read: crafty) with them. Two clever DIY bloggers offer suggestions for what to do with photos that's more interesting than stuffing them in frames.

First, Christine from Black Oak Vintage demonstrates how to make photo transfer cards.

Here are the steps she took.

Gather your supplies. You'll need several sheets of thin plywood available at most craft stores), a box cutter or Exacto knife, a straight edge or ruler, gel medium, Mod Podge, a paint brush or sponge, a rag, scissors, a customizable stamp, and whatever photos you'd like to use.

The examples shown are vintage book images, but this works great with laser printed versions (do not use originals — you will destroy them) of your own photos as well.

Cut out your cards. Use a ruler to mark the outlines of the shapes you'd like to cut out of your plywood with a pencil. This is where you can get really creative: try business cards, bookmarks, gift tags, etc. Angular shapes are easiest. Using a box cutter and a straight edge, score the plywood a couple of times along your marked lines until you get a clean cut and your cards come loose from the sheet.

Choose your photos. For each card or tag you make, trim your photos to about the same shape and size as the wood. Some hangover is okay so don't worry about getting them exact.

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