Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mila Kunis And Ashton Kutcher Are Totally Dating Tops The Morning Links

All the protestations in the world can't compete with photographic evidence. Plus Miley Cyrus is topless again and Nicole Kidman's latest movie includes a really raunchy scene.

Why the hell is badminton of all sports so full of scandal and dirty players? - [Slate]

Don't worry kids, the Total Recall remake might be PG-13 but you'll still get your 3 boob nipple shot. - [TMZ]

"If I Was Your Droidfriend" parody turns C-3P0 into Justin Bieber. Or would it be the other way around? - [HuffingtonPost]

Miley is just being Miley...topless...again. - [TheSuperficial]

Somehow Selma Blair was completely unaware the Olympics were happening right now. - [Vulture]

It's a miracle! Celebrities with mysteriously reappearing hair. - [Fox]

The movie where Nicole Kidman pees on Zac Efron's face has a trailer now. So, there's that. - [FilmDrunk]

Is it more important for a country to win more gold medals or just more medals in general when competing in the Olympics? = [BleacherReport]

According to a new study, American life expectancy changes dramatically depending on what state you live in. - [DailyMail]

Headline Story: Despite all her interviews to the contrary, photos have been popping up all over the place to indicate Mila Kunis IS dating Ashton Kutcher. - [PopSugar]

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