Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hilarious Found Adam West "Batman" Photos Tops The Morning Links

BAM! POW! Also, one shock rocker is ready to have kids and Chick-Fil-A is completely proud of their anti-gay stance.

Hey England, France will take back those stolen Crown Jewels any time you want to return them...jerks. - [TheAtlanticWire]

Marilyn Manson wants a kid. Rumor has it he's pretty boring behind closed doors so everyone calm down. - [TheSuperficial]

Don't worry you guys, everyone knows about these 3 dark secrets you have, because they have them too. - [Cracked]

Chick-Fil-A president responds to critisism of company's anti-gay stance with a smarmy, "Guilty as charged." - [HuffingtonPost]

Movie tag lines are supposed to inspire consumers to see the film in question, but these 13 examples were miserable failures. - [Time]

Liar, liar, pants on fire. - [BleacherReport]

Somehow the whole Internet forgot yesterday David Hasselhoff turned 60, so to make up for that read 11 crazy facts about him. - [HLN]

How much does the average American spend on on beer? Lawn care? Dollar store items? Pet Halloween costumes? - [MentalFloss]

Prepare to showcase your Emmy snub outrage with these appropriate GIFS. - [Uproxx]

Headline Story: Rare, never before seen photos from behind the scenes of the 1960s Batman are as deliciously campy as you'd expect. - [LIFE]

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